Poet . Screenplays . Anthropologist
Non-fiction and fiction author including the award-winning romantic novels
Black Inked Pearl . The Helix Pearl . Pearl of the Seas
can all be found at ruthhfinnegan.com
EVEREST MOUNTAIN CLIMB – a movie opportunity– details Here
Ruth Finnegan, Emeritus Professor of the Open University is an anthropologist and novelist with broad interdisciplinary interests, especially in classical studies, literature, sociolinguistics, modes of thought, cultural history and, recently, spiritual paranormal experience or altered consciousness. Ruth's current publication focus, that this website exemplifies, is using 'media' to bring new 'perspective' to life via the dynamics of sound and vision. Her screenplays and movie productions have won her many plaudits and awards. Her printed and auidio book publications can be found at www.ruthhfinnegan.com.
Having been fortunate enough to have switched ‘disciplines’ as a graduate Ruth has from the start sought the enlightenment of interdisciplinary perspectives on whatever she is currently studying. One of her concerns has been to bring home the importance of the scholars who work outside the universities and the recognised spheres of academe. It is to these scholars, untrammelled by bureaucratic chains and thought, that we principally owe the emergence of new disciplines, (such as ethnomusicology, popular music, folklore, astrophysics), original discoveries and unconventional but fruitful new perspectives. In keeping with this she has been at the forefront of recognising the revolutionary potentials of self-publication, print-on-demand, and open access through a transcultural and interdisciplinary series Hearing Others' Voices.